Why RBC?
There are many reasons why companies get started with international RBC. Many companies and business owners see it as their moral duty to help build a more sustainable world. On the other hand, RBC obligations may also be mandated by law. In other instances, you may receive questions from suppliers, buyers, investors or your own staff.
Many countries already have legislation that obliges companies to identify and address risks in their supply chains. Examples include the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act or the French Duty of Vigilance Law. Additionally, with effect from 2027, the EU’s Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD) will require large companies operating in the European Union to implement due diligence. The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will also require large companies and listed SMEs to produce a sustainability report.
SMEs currently fall outside the scope of most legislation. However, they could be requested by large companies in their supply chain to comply with the requirements. Customers, consumers, investors and non-governmental organisations also expect companies to take their role in society seriously. SMEs may also be required to comply with very specific environmental legislation, such as the EU’s Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) or Conflict Minerals Regulation. Performing due diligence makes it easier to comply with this legislation.
Companies may wish to get started with RBC for other reasons:
Enhance your reputation
Eliminating risks and contributing to positive effects in the supply chain benefits your company’s reputation.
Gain access to financial services
Banks and other investors value effective risk management, including risks to human rights and the environment. Companies that demonstrate an understanding of their supply chain and effectively eliminate risks are increasingly likely to receive favourable conditions.
Improve your market positioning
Companies that engage in serious dialogue with their suppliers and customers gain trust. This trust can be invaluable during supply shocks caused by events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, trade wars and crop failures.
Ensure supply chain resilience
Collaborating constructively with suppliers enhances supply chain resilience and security.
Attract talent
More and more employees, both young and experienced, want to be confident that the company they work for takes responsibility for its impacts in countries where it does business.
Improve supply chain productivity
RBC helps to increase productivity by increasing employee pay or reducing employee outflow, lowering sickness absence and improving safety at work. This reduces staff turnover, boosts productivity and leads to a lower number of defective products.
Foster proud employees
Employee engagement and motivation to achieve common goals are higher at companies that demonstrably ‘do the right thing’.
Handige hulpmiddelen
- MVO Tips & tools (MVO Nederland) voor duurzaam ondernemen: een overzicht van tools om stappen te zetten naar duurzaam ondernemen, waaronder het stappenplan due diligence.
- Handleiding voor bedrijven over IMVO en OESO due diligence (SER): praktische handleiding, tools, bronnen en praktijkvoorbeelden voor zowel grote bedrijven als het MKB.
- Voor een aantal bedrijfssectoren zijn er afspraken gemaakt tussen de overheid, de sector en maatschappelijke organisaties over IMVO. Deze samenwerkingen zijn vastgelegd in een IMVO-convenant. Meer informatie kunt u vinden bij de SER.
- Het platform voor gender responsive due diligence ondersteunt bedrijven in het toepassen van een gender perspectief bij de stappen van due diligence.