Test your knowledge – step 6
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
If your company does not directly contribute to or cause an adverse impact, you do not need to provide for remediation.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
Even if your company does not directly contribute to adverse impacts, you should still cooperate in remediation. For example, if the adverse impact is caused by your business partner, you can use your influence to ensure remediation is provided.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
Even if your company does not directly contribute to adverse impacts, you should still cooperate in remediation. For example, if the adverse impact is caused by your business partner, you can use your influence to ensure remediation is provided.
Test your knowledge – step 6
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
It is important to also engage with external stakeholders in order to identify remedial measures.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is true.
It is crucial that the victims’ perspectives are taken into account when identifying appropriate remedial measures.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is true.
It is crucial that the victims’ perspectives are taken into account when identifying appropriate remedial measures.
Test your knowledge – step 6
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
The grievance mechanism is only intended for internal employees.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
The grievance mechanism must be available to internal and external stakeholders. This could be your own employees, employees of suppliers, NGOs, trade unions or customers.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
The grievance mechanism must be available to internal and external stakeholders. This could be your own employees, employees of suppliers, NGOs, trade unions or customers.
Test your knowledge – step 6
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
It is essential that employees trust the grievance mechanism.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is true.
It is important that employees trust the grievance mechanism, otherwise they will not use it. If there is no trust in the system, it is very likely that grievances will not be reported, even if they exist.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is true.
It is important that employees trust the grievance mechanism, otherwise they will not use it. If there is no trust in the system, it is very likely that grievances will not be reported, even if they exist.
Test your knowledge – step 6
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
The grievance mechanism maintains a list of reporters.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
It is crucial that reporters can make a complaint anonymously.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
It is crucial that reporters can make a complaint anonymously.
Test your knowledge – step 6
Below you'll find all your correct and incorrect answers listed again. For each question, you'll also see what the correct answer is.
If your company does not directly contribute to or cause an adverse impact, you do not need to provide for remediation.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
Even if your company does not directly contribute to adverse impacts, you should still cooperate in remediation. For example, if the adverse impact is caused by your business partner, you can use your influence to ensure remediation is provided.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
Even if your company does not directly contribute to adverse impacts, you should still cooperate in remediation. For example, if the adverse impact is caused by your business partner, you can use your influence to ensure remediation is provided.
It is important to also engage with external stakeholders in order to identify remedial measures.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is true.
It is crucial that the victims’ perspectives are taken into account when identifying appropriate remedial measures.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is true.
It is crucial that the victims’ perspectives are taken into account when identifying appropriate remedial measures.
The grievance mechanism is only intended for internal employees.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
The grievance mechanism must be available to internal and external stakeholders. This could be your own employees, employees of suppliers, NGOs, trade unions or customers.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
The grievance mechanism must be available to internal and external stakeholders. This could be your own employees, employees of suppliers, NGOs, trade unions or customers.
It is essential that employees trust the grievance mechanism.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is true.
It is important that employees trust the grievance mechanism, otherwise they will not use it. If there is no trust in the system, it is very likely that grievances will not be reported, even if they exist.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is true.
It is important that employees trust the grievance mechanism, otherwise they will not use it. If there is no trust in the system, it is very likely that grievances will not be reported, even if they exist.
The grievance mechanism maintains a list of reporters.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
It is crucial that reporters can make a complaint anonymously.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
It is crucial that reporters can make a complaint anonymously.