Test your knowledge – step 2
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
It is easy to find out where raw materials come from.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
Unfortunately, the complexity of some supply chains makes it difficult to identify production locations. Some products (such as cashew nuts) are traded in large quantities or processed (such as soybeans). As a result, it is not easy to pin-point where the original product came from.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
Unfortunately, the complexity of some supply chains makes it difficult to identify production locations. Some products (such as cashew nuts) are traded in large quantities or processed (such as soybeans). As a result, it is not easy to pin-point where the original product came from.
Test your knowledge – step 2
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
There is no need for you to address all risks at once.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is true.
Once you have identified risks, you start with the risks that have a severe impact, affect many individuals, or are irremediable.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is true.
Once you have identified risks, you start with the risks that have a severe impact, affect many individuals, or are irremediable.
Test your knowledge – step 2
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
SMEs cannot influence working conditions at distant locations.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
SMEs can influence human rights and environmental issues at distant locations. They can act as a trustworthy trade partner or collaborate with other parties to advocate for human rights and the environment.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
SMEs can influence human rights and environmental issues at distant locations. They can act as a trustworthy trade partner or collaborate with other parties to advocate for human rights and the environment.
Test your knowledge – step 2
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
There are many tools that companies can use to map risks, including open-source information, data on suppliers and dialogue with suppliers.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is true.
Fortunately, companies can take advantage of a lot of free information and learn from their suppliers.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is true.
Fortunately, companies can take advantage of a lot of free information and learn from their suppliers.
Test your knowledge – step 2
Below you'll find all your correct and incorrect answers listed again. For each question, you'll also see what the correct answer is.
It is easy to find out where raw materials come from.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
Unfortunately, the complexity of some supply chains makes it difficult to identify production locations. Some products (such as cashew nuts) are traded in large quantities or processed (such as soybeans). As a result, it is not easy to pin-point where the original product came from.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
Unfortunately, the complexity of some supply chains makes it difficult to identify production locations. Some products (such as cashew nuts) are traded in large quantities or processed (such as soybeans). As a result, it is not easy to pin-point where the original product came from.
There is no need for you to address all risks at once.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is true.
Once you have identified risks, you start with the risks that have a severe impact, affect many individuals, or are irremediable.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is true.
Once you have identified risks, you start with the risks that have a severe impact, affect many individuals, or are irremediable.
SMEs cannot influence working conditions at distant locations.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
SMEs can influence human rights and environmental issues at distant locations. They can act as a trustworthy trade partner or collaborate with other parties to advocate for human rights and the environment.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
SMEs can influence human rights and environmental issues at distant locations. They can act as a trustworthy trade partner or collaborate with other parties to advocate for human rights and the environment.
There are many tools that companies can use to map risks, including open-source information, data on suppliers and dialogue with suppliers.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is true.
Fortunately, companies can take advantage of a lot of free information and learn from their suppliers.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is true.
Fortunately, companies can take advantage of a lot of free information and learn from their suppliers.