Test your knowledge – step 3
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
If you are a small company, there is little point engaging with suppliers.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
Smaller companies can raise issues, too. If multiple smaller companies do this, it can bring about change.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
Smaller companies can raise issues, too. If multiple smaller companies do this, it can bring about change.
Test your knowledge – step 3
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
We only buy or sell certified products. That means we are compliant with our due diligence obligations.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
Even if you procure certified raw materials or work with certified factories, it is still important to work through the six due diligence steps and continue engaging with suppliers on topics such as living wage and living income.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
Even if you procure certified raw materials or work with certified factories, it is still important to work through the six due diligence steps and continue engaging with suppliers on topics such as living wage and living income.
Test your knowledge – step 3
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Many sustainability issues are too complex for a company to solve on its own.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is true.
Sadly, this is true. The good news is that there are many ways for companies to collaborate. Large coalitions are able to engage with suppliers in producing countries as well as with local authorities or non-governmental organisations.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is true.
Sadly, this is true. The good news is that there are many ways for companies to collaborate. Large coalitions are able to engage with suppliers in producing countries as well as with local authorities or non-governmental organisations.
Test your knowledge – step 3
Below you'll find all your correct and incorrect answers listed again. For each question, you'll also see what the correct answer is.
If you are a small company, there is little point engaging with suppliers.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
Smaller companies can raise issues, too. If multiple smaller companies do this, it can bring about change.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
Smaller companies can raise issues, too. If multiple smaller companies do this, it can bring about change.
We only buy or sell certified products. That means we are compliant with our due diligence obligations.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
Even if you procure certified raw materials or work with certified factories, it is still important to work through the six due diligence steps and continue engaging with suppliers on topics such as living wage and living income.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
Even if you procure certified raw materials or work with certified factories, it is still important to work through the six due diligence steps and continue engaging with suppliers on topics such as living wage and living income.
Many sustainability issues are too complex for a company to solve on its own.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is true.
Sadly, this is true. The good news is that there are many ways for companies to collaborate. Large coalitions are able to engage with suppliers in producing countries as well as with local authorities or non-governmental organisations.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is true.
Sadly, this is true. The good news is that there are many ways for companies to collaborate. Large coalitions are able to engage with suppliers in producing countries as well as with local authorities or non-governmental organisations.