Test your knowledge – step 4
Question 1
Question 2
Monitoring progress involves nothing more than checking compliance with your own policy.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
Besides checking whether policy is being followed, monitoring progress also includes assessing whether the measures taken are effective.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
Besides checking whether policy is being followed, monitoring progress also includes assessing whether the measures taken are effective.
Test your knowledge – step 4
Question 1
Question 2
To understand whether measures are effective, you must gather information from different sources.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is true.
You should use publicly accessible information as well as information from suppliers and local experts to determine whether you have effectively addressed risks.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is true.
You should use publicly accessible information as well as information from suppliers and local experts to determine whether you have effectively addressed risks.
Test your knowledge – step 4
Below you'll find all your correct and incorrect answers listed again. For each question, you'll also see what the correct answer is.
Monitoring progress involves nothing more than checking compliance with your own policy.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is false.
Besides checking whether policy is being followed, monitoring progress also includes assessing whether the measures taken are effective.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is false.
Besides checking whether policy is being followed, monitoring progress also includes assessing whether the measures taken are effective.
To understand whether measures are effective, you must gather information from different sources.
You have answered this question incorrectly. The statement is true.
You should use publicly accessible information as well as information from suppliers and local experts to determine whether you have effectively addressed risks.
You have answered this question correctly. The statement is true.
You should use publicly accessible information as well as information from suppliers and local experts to determine whether you have effectively addressed risks.