Communicating results
In step 4 , you learned how you can track the progress of your actions. It is important to assess compliance with internal agreements and the impact of measures on sustainability risks. In this module, we will discuss the fifth step of the cycle: communication. Communication about the results, as well as about the dilemmas, is an essential part of the due diligence process.
Communicating results
It is incredibly important to communicate the actions you have taken to address sustainability risks. This communication must be transparent. By sharing experiences, employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders can learn from your experiences and appreciate your commitment.
Internal communication
In step 1, we discussed the importance of embedding the six steps of due diligence into your organisation. Communication can help to achieve this. It is essential to keep employees informed about the results of the policy. You can do this through existing channels, such as newsletters, monthly gatherings, quarterly sessions or your intranet. Regardless of the communication channels you use, make sure the topic comes up regularly. You should also take time to celebrate positive results. This creates enthusiasm within the organisation for RBC.
External communication
Under new legislation like the CSRD (see page on ‘legislation’), many companies will be required to report on supply chain risks. However, sharing information about due diligence goes beyond that. It is important that stakeholders such as employees, non-governmental organisations, suppliers, buyers and moneylenders can find information about your due diligence policies and the measures the company is taking to address adverse impacts on people, environment and climate. This enables companies to distinguish themselves from competitors. However, stick to the facts – greenwashing is heavily penalised. Choose appropriate channels to communicate the results you have achieved. This could be news articles on your website, your sustainability report or a separate brochure. Make sure your messaging is appropriate and accessible for your target stakeholders.
Celebrate triumphs and share dilemmas
It is tempting to highlight all the positive results you have achieved. Indeed, it is good to share those results and celebrate their positive impact. However, remember to also share challenges and explain the tough choices you need to make.
Additional tips for transparent communication:
- Communicate regularly, ideally at least every quarter.
- Give involved employees the chance to share their thoughts.
- Ask your supplier to explain what changes have occurred on the ground due to specific measures.
- Be modest.
- In addition to the results you have achieved, try to look ahead to your future plans now and again.
- Be easy to contact and approachable to stakeholders who wish to respond to your communication.
Handige hulpmiddelen
- Op de website van MVO Nederland vindt je tips voor het maken van een duurzaamheidsverslag.
- De verschillende IMVO-Convenanten rapporteerden over hun resultaten. In veel van deze jaarverslagen zijn ook concrete voorbeelden van bedrijven opgenomen, met daarin wat goed ging maar ook wat nog lastig was.
- Advies van de ACM over hoe je afspraken kan maken met andere bedrijven over duurzaamheid.
- Handleiding Duurzaamheidsclaims voor de financiele sector van de AFM.
- Greenwashing: wat is het en hoe voorkom je het?
- Handleiding SER op Stap 5: Communiceer hoe gevolgen worden aangepakt.